Kerry Underwood provides our latest guest article. Here he considers the recent case of Gore v Naheed & Anor [2017] where the court veers away from the trend of imposing penalties where a party refuses to mediate. If you find…
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A refusal to mediate – risks, rules, and cases. The recent Thakkar v Patel case once again highlighted the courts’ intention to find that a refusal to mediate, or being silent in the face of an invitation to mediate, will generally…
Offers to mediate, and how they are reacted to, feature in this month’s guest article. It reviews the recent Thakkar v Patel case, and is submitted by a barrister & prolific legal blogger, Gordon Exall. We hope you enjoy it. If…
In this article we consider the question: How can businesses best deal with customer disputes? The Federation of Small Businesses published a report (Tied Up 2016) recently exploring the cost of disputes to UK small businesses. In the report the…