This mediation saw two companies engage in mediation after 12 difficult months of correspondence between solicitors. They had each incurred legal fees of approximately £18,000.00 and the dispute had reached a point where court proceedings were about to begin.
This means they probably faed another 10 months of legal fees and stress before the dispute got to court. They had never met or spoken with one another prior to the mediation. At first the solicitor for one party did not want to take part in the opening joint session. Fortunately it did go ahead and some lighthearted conversation took place regarding cycling. This innocuous conversation saw a common interest acknowledged by the two parties.
During the course of the morning the parties were separated into their private rooms and we shuttled between them. The negotiations were slowing until the parties suggested that they speak to one another in our presence and without their own solicitors in the room.
Over the course of the next 20 minutes not only did they reach an agreement which allowed them to put the whole dispute behind them, but they also realised that there was potential to work together going forwards.Last time we saw them they were going to a pub together to discuss potential opportunities.
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