Mediatelegal offers more than one free debt recovery letter template to visitors to our website.
Being owed money is an uncomfortable position to be in. The court system is not exactly user friendly, and can be quite daunting. Unpaid invoices can be fatal to a business, and debts between individuals can destroy relationships.
Free debt recovery letter
Mediatelegal has chosen to make available two types of free debt recovery letter via our website. The two versions are:-
- if you are owed money by an individual, sole trader, or local authority
- if you are owed money by a limited company
You can download each free debt recovery letter here. There is no fee or charge and you don’t need to provide us with your email address or contact details. Each free debt recovery letter is available to anyone visiting our website.
The Pre-Action Debt Protocol can be found here. Companies who intend to send the letter to an individual, sole trader or local authority must ensure that they follow the information in paragraph 3 correctly, including attaching the Information Sheet and Reply Form.
Mediatelegal Bespoke Letterhead Service
For a fee of £54 Mediatelegal will write to the debtor on our letterhead on your behalf. This is a shorter letter informing the debtor that you intend to pursue the debt through the courts but that you are also willing to use mediation to resolve the situation. Mediation is a much quicker alternative to court and can be arranged within days. Mediation also has a very high success rate of 89% nationally.
Mediation gives you the opportunity to reach an agreement on your own terms quickly, confidentially, and at a low cost compared to going to court. If our mediation letter leads to a mediation being booked we will deduct the letter fee (£54) from your contribution towards the mediation fee.
To use our letterhead service simply follow the two steps below:-
- send an email to with the following information: contact details for the other party (email address if possible), and an overview of your case; and
- pay the £54 fee by using the ’pay now’ Paypal option at the bottom of our website. If you would rather pay by bank transfer simply ask us for our bank details in your email.
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